KLINGER Gauge Glass
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KLINGER transparent glasses are manufactured from borosilicate glass ("extra-hard"). The surfaces on both sides are finely grounded and polished to ensure optimal transparency. Applications: In steam service above 35 bar and for media with a high pH-value. In that cases KLINGER transparent glasses must be protected by a mica shield on the side facing the medium chamber. Transparent glasses should always be chosen for contaminated, viscous or corrosive media. Within the given service limitations they may be used for all media except steam at pressures up to 340 bar or temperatures up to 400°C. Quality control: KLINGER transparent glasses are subject to continuous control during manufacture in order to guarantee exact dimensions, stress conditions, material composition and resistance to bending strain. International standards: We manufacture transparent glasses in accordance to the following standards: OeNORM M 7354 (long gauge glasses) DIN 7081 (long gauge plate glasses) JIS B 8211 (Japanese Industrial Standard) OMV-Spez. H 2009 (OMV, Vienna) MIL-G-16356 D (US-Navy-Ships) Esso Eng. Spec. 123 (Esso Research & Engineering Co., New Jersey) S.O.D. Spec. 123 (Standard Oil Development Company, New Jersey) BS 3463 (British Standard Institution)


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